

「Today’s Space Elevator」を勝手に翻訳する - Appendix A "Why Space Elevators and Galactic Harbours?"


 (page 45-46)

This key question must be answered each time ISEC produces a book or report as we must encourage, enthrall, challenge, explain, and provide hope for readers. To anyone who looks up from their chair periodically and searches the heavens for the future of mankind, it is obvious that we are moving off-planet in a major fashion, and in the near future. Besides regular American, Russian and European space activities, the Chinese have landed a rover on the Moon and are planning a space station, the Indians have orbited a spacecraft around Mars, and the Japanese have a module attached to the International Space Station (ISS). The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Jet Propulsion Lab (JPL) has identified over 1,300 near-Earth asteroids that are compatible with rapid trips made from Earth. There are three companies investing in mining resources on asteroids while there are multiple companies preparing to create small habitats on the Moon. In addition, there is a rocket company (SpaceX) that plans on building a colony of greater than 10,000 people on Mars within its CEO’s lifetime.


To ensure that these dreams are encouraged and made successful, there must be a change in the approach to travel within our solar system. The cost to orbit must become a very small part of the overall investment and the arena must support infrastructures that can be used many times, not thrown away each time they are used. When one looks at the concept of space elevators, the answer is obvious. The future of humanity’s travel within our solar system requires space elevators that provide access to space and that have the following strengths:


  • Routine [daily],
  • Revolutionarily inexpensive [<$100 per kg]
  • Commercial development similar to bridge building
  • Permanent infrastructure [24/7/365/50 years]
  • Environmentally sound
  • Safe and reliable [no shake, rattle and roll]
  • Low risk lifting
  • Low probability of creating orbital debris
  • Redundant paths as multiple sets of space elevators become operational
  • Massive loads per day [starts at 20 metric tons]
  • Opens up tremendous design opportunities for users
  • Optimized for geostationary orbit altitude and beyon
  • 定期的 [毎日]
  • 革新的に安い [1kgあたり100ドル以下]
  • 橋りょう架設に似た商業開発
  • 永続的なインフラ(基本的施設) [24hr/1week/365day/50years]
  • 環境的に健全
  • 安全で信頼できる [振動や回転がなく、ガタガタ鳴らない]
  • リスクの低い昇降
  • 軌道デブリを作る確率が低い
  • 宇宙エレベータを運用することになれば複数基作り冗長性を確保する
  • 一日当たりの可搬重量が大きい [20メトリックトンから開始]
  • 利用者にたくさんのデザイン機会を開拓する
  • 静止軌道高度とその先への最適化

The bottom line for space elevators and the solar system is that they open up humanity’s hopes and needs to expand beyond the limited resources and environment of our planet Earth. A space elevator is the enabling infrastructure ensuring humanity’s growth towards the stars. There are two main reasons why the human race needs space elevator infrastructures:


  • The realization that chemical rockets cannot get us to and beyond Low Earth Orbit (LEO) economically
  • The recognition that the ‘Space Option’ may enable solutions to some of Earth’s current limitations (energy, resources, removing nuclear waste etc.)
  • 化学的なロケットでは低軌道へ経済的に到達することはできないという気付き
  • 宇宙オプション”は地球の現在の制約(エネルギー、資源、核廃棄物除去etc…)を解決するかもしれないという認知

What kind of specific benefits could we expect to see from a functioning Space Elevator? As with the transcontinental railway, it’s impossible to foretell all of the uses of such an infrastructure, but here are some possibilities.


  • Large scale manufacturing in a zero-g environment. If corporations can build manufacturing facilities in space at an affordable price, they will do so. Right now, the cost and weight penalties are too prohibitive to even consider the idea. A space elevator would change that.
  • Colonization of the moon, Mars and other planets and satellites. Currently, establishing and supplying a 6 or 8 person science station on the moon (let alone Mars or anywhere else) is probably at the very limit of our capabilities. Allowing hundreds (or even thousands) of tons to be launched into space every day would allow us to colonize these other worlds. This would provide an insurance policy for humanity, an outlet for those with a pioneering spirit and, almost certainly, increased benefits here on earth as commerce between our planet and others was established.
  • Space Tourism – A Space Elevator could provide a way that most of us could visit space, and even stay for a while if we wanted to.
  • Clean Power – Though there are many debates about the economics of establishing solar power satellites to provide earth with clean, limitless power, there is no doubt that to do so will require the capability to launch enormous quantities of materials into space. Only a Space Elevator can give us that capability.
  • More and cheaper satellites. Satellite technology has provided all of us with enormous benefits, from DirecTV to weather satellites to increased national security. Being able to lower the cost and increase the reliability of satellite launches will lead to new technologies that right now we can’t even imagine.
  • 無重力環境での大規模工業。もし手ごろな価格で宇宙に製造設備を建造できるのならば、企業が実行するだろう。今現在は、価格と重量制限でアイデアとして考えたとしてもひどく法外なものだ。宇宙エレベータはそれを変えるだろう。
  • 月や火星、他の惑星や衛星の植民地化。今現在は、6人もしくは8人の月面(いわんや火星や他の場所も)化学ステーションの建設・供給が我々の能力で可能な限界だ。毎日何百(もしくは何千)トンもの打ち上げが他の天体の植民地化を可能にする。これは人類にとっての保障政策や、開拓者精神のはけ口、地球と他の天体が作り出した貿易での地球上の利益の増加などを生み出す。
  • 宇宙観光 - 宇宙エレベータはたくさんの人々が宇宙を訪れる方法を提供し、もし望むならしばらく宿泊することもできる。
  • クリーン電力 - クリーンで無限の電力を生み出す太陽光発電衛星の建造の実利について沢山の議論がされているにもかかわらず、宇宙に非常に多量の物質を打ち上げる能力が必要になることは疑いようがない。宇宙エレベータのみがその能力を提供できる。
  • 安価かつ多量の衛星投入。衛星技術はディレクTV(北中南米地域の衛星放送)から気象衛星、国防まで多大な利益を我々全員に提供してくれる。安価かつ衛星打ち上げの信頼性を増す可能性は、我々が想像すらできない新たな技術につながる。

Scalable, inexpensive and reliable access to space will benefit all of us and a Space Elevator is the way to provide this capability.
